YIVO in the News and Staff News – September and Early October 2014

Oct 6, 2014

Coverage of the Vilna Project

YIVO’s press conference in Vilnius about the launch of its fundraising campaign for the YIVO Vilna Project was covered by numerous Lithuanian news outlets and other worldwide media, including:

Der Standard
Delfi (English-language)
LRT Fonoteka Radio
Kauno diena
Vilniaus Diena

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania featured a report on the press conference on their English-language website.

The project was written up in the New York Times, The Jewish Week, and the Forward. The New York Times article was picked up by numerous websites, including Haaretz.

YIVO in The Atlantic and on Fox News

Earlier in September YIVO Executive Director Jonathan Brent was quoted in “Oy Vey: Yiddish Has a Problem”, an article in The Atlantic about the future of YIVO. Fox News picked up on the theme, coming to YIVO on September 11to film a segment about Yiddish featuring Jonathan, YIVO Board member Chava Lapin, Max Weinreich Center Fellow Leyzer Burko, and YIVO Director of Education Jennifer Young. The story was broadcast on Fox affiliates across the United States.

Staff Notes

YIVO and the Making of Modern Jewish Culture by Cecile Kuznitz received an extensive review in AJL News, a publication of the Association of Jewish Libraries. Professor Kuznitz will deliver a lecture on her book at the University of Albany on October 7.

YIVO Academic Advisor Dr. Edward Portnoy is interviewed about Yiddish in a video about Yiddish Farm for The Guardian.

YIVO Library summer intern Michaela Walker has written a blog post for Bard College about how rewarding she found her work here.

YIVO’s Collections in the News

Some of YIVO’s websites are discussed in an article by Jeffrey Veidlinger about digital humanities and Jewish Studies in AJS News, a publication of the Association for Jewish Studies. YIVO’s RG 27 Eliezer Guttmacher Papers is discussed in a review of Glenn Dynner’s book, Yankel’s Tavern in the TLS: Times Literary Supplement on August 1 (available online with subscription only). Some of YIVO’s archival collections on the Shanghai Ghetto have been included on a National Archives study guide.