Our supporters make all the difference.
Anonymous (2)
Manat Foundation
Betty Kuznitz z"l
Ruth and David Levine
Elisa New and Lawrence Summers
Irene Pletka
Atran Foundation, Inc.
Sonia Bob z''l
Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, The German Federal Ministry of Finance, and the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future
Theodore Cohn z"l
Gelman Family Foundation
Ruth Hochberger and Martin Flumenbaum
Institute of Museum and Library
Services: Save America’s Treasures
Susanne and Jacob J. Morowitz
National Endowment for the Humanities
NRW Entertainment Properties, LLC
Doris Payson z"l and Martin Payson
Jon Richmond
Florence A. Ruderman z"l
Bruce Slovin
The Wagner Family Foundation
Myra and Harry Wagner
Joanna and Emil Kleinhaus
The Kronhill Pletka Foundation
Anne E. Leibowitz Fund
Leona Z. Rosenberg Charitable Trust
National Historical Publications and Records Commission
New York City Department of Cultural Affairs
Mark Padnos z"l
Kate Rothko Prizel and Ilya Prizel
Judith E. Weisfuse and Michael B. Wax
Ed Blank
Amy Starck and Jack Cogen
Miriam Cohen
The Derfner Foundation
Linda Witham Finkin and Eugene F. Finkin
Alys Kremer and Arthur Grossman
Anita K. Linker z"l
New York State Council on the Arts
Louis Osofsky z"l
Nicole Simmons and Eric S. Rubin
The Slomo and Cindy Silvian Foundation, Inc.
Deborah Veach
Michael H. Baker Family Foundation
Toby Clyman
Meryl Frank and Steven Gabel
Ilya Gaysinskiy
Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation
Elisabeth and Max Gitter
Elizabeth Gordon and Warren M. Heller
Gayle and Paul Gross Foundation
Hittman Family Foundation
Harri Hoffmann Family Foundation
The Marcia Israel Foundation, Inc.
Jurate and Carl Landwehr
The Alice Lawrence Foundation, Inc.
Leila and Jack Levine z"l
Barry Liebowitz
Jack and Goldie Wolfe Miller Fund
The Mitzvah Fund
Ruben Living Trust
Jerome Seligsohn z"l
Jay D. Smith z"l
Lottie Tartell
Anonymous (2)
Edward Albert and Brenda Krepol
Seymour R. Bortner z"l
Chicago Mercantile Exchange
Cooper-Siegel Family Foundation
Doris Fromberg
The Gelb Family Foundation
The Harold Reich Goldmann Charitable Trust
Joan and Robert Goldstein
Charles Grunfeld Foundation, Inc.
Estelle Guzik z"l
The Heisman Memorial Trophy
Roger and Susan Hertog
Harry and Sadie Lasky Foundation
Lithuanian American Community
Jean and Mark Mandell
Barbara Martinsons
Betty and Leo Melamed
Edward D. and Anna Mitchell Family Foundation
Paul S. Nadler Family Charitable Trust
Sharon Packer
Donna and Elliott Palevsky
Reva and Edward Potter
Manuel Schiffres
The Schnitzer Family Foundation
Chaim Schwartz Foundation
Barbara Seril
Susan and Warren Stern
The Doris & Stanley Tananbaum Foundation
Hannah Waldman
Frances Weinstein
Lester Yassky
Anonymous (8)
Helen and Michael Abeles
The Ackerman Family
Terri and Bruce Alpert
Ira & Mary Lou Alpert Foundation, Inc.
Margaret and David E. Altschul
Harriet and Edwin Bakalar
Barak Bassman
Baxt Family Foundation, Inc.
Emile A. Bendit
Gary Blumsohn
Sheldon Botoshansky
Frances and Jonathan Brent
Jeanette Brod and Alexander Lazer
Miriam and Alan Brody
Sonia and Philip Burton
Sara Casey
Suzanne Challinor
Max Chamovitz
Robyn Cimbol
Melissa S. Cohen
Elias A. Cohen Foundation, Inc.
Steven J. Cohen
Colen-Bonaventure Charitable Endowment Fund
David-Horodoker Women's Organization
Helen Deller Klein
Irwin Epsten
Elisabeth Evans
Sandy Fainer
Feuerring Foundation
Doris Francis-Erhard
Stephen Freed and Jill Mortensen
Lily and Edward Friedman
Ed Geffner and Suzanne Spinrad
Jill Gellerman and Avi Pandey
Susan Gerhard
The Stanley & Ethel Glen Family Foundation
Steven A. Gold Charitable Educational Institutions Trust
Charles Goldfischer
The William P. Goldman and Brothers Foundation, Inc.
David I. Goldstein
Sorina and David Goldstein
Yvette Gralla
Rita and Leo Greenland Family Foundation
Dina Gutkowicz-Krusin and Bruce Draine
Karen B. Rosen and Seth D. Harris
Lucie and David Hinden
Rochelle and David A. Hirsch Foundation
The Deborah K. Holmes Family Foundation
Gail and Myles Horn
Ruth Ivor Foundation Inc.
Terri Kasper
Kaye Spiegler PLLC
Ezra Jack Keats Foundation, Inc.
Robert M. Kern z"l
Steven L. Kessler
David Knopf
Angela Klopstech and Myron Koltuv
The Kranzdorf Family Foundation
Luis Lainer
Leona Laskin
Marta Jo Lawrence
Joshua Levin
Mindy Franklin Levine
Judith Lewis
Susan Littman and Karsten Peppel
David Loeb
Sana Loue
Pamela Estadt and Ira Lubert
Reeva and Ezra Mager
Claire and David Maklan
Elaine and Anthony Manheim
Jody and Jack R. Manischewitz
Barbara Brooke Manning Charitable Fund
Janina Marks Charitable Foundation
Marks and Powell Family Fund
Barbara and Leonard Mazur
Robert McDaniel
Bella Meyer
Ethel Meyer
Lillian and Andrew Meyers
Audrey and Mark Mlotek
Nelco Foundation Inc.
Audrey Newman
Natanya Nobel and Ron Murch
Deborah Ugoretz and Samuel Norich
Gerrie Nussdorf
Marta Olchyk
Harold Z. Ollin
Dan Opatoshu and Anne Spielberg
Keith Orloff
Barbara Ouanounou
The Irving and Ethel Palman Foundation
Jeannette Pichulik Zukor and Michael Pichulik Zukor
Maleta Pilcz
Romana and Charles Primus
William Racolin
Amy and Kevin Rader
Annabelle Robbins
Pauline Rockman
Rosaly Roffman
Michael Ross z"l
Ruth and Gabriel Ross
The Robert Russell Memorial Foundation
David Saltz
Minia and Norman Sas
Michelle Shayne and Edward A. Sassaman
Renee and Albert Sattin
Virginia Papaioannou and Simon M. Schama
Sally and Ismar Schorsch
Rhea S. Schwartz and Paul Wolff
Sandra Sloane
Felicia and Albert D. Smith
Eugene Sober
Marian and Abraham Sofaer
Janet Solberg
Suzanne Wolbers and Julius Spiegel
Stanlee Stahl
Judith and Donald Stavis
Renee and Stephen N. Steinig
Philip Strongin
Norman P. Tarle
The Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation
Phyllis Toback
Ilene Chester and Frank L. Tobin
Phyllis Tobin
Feygele Jacobs and Michael Cholden-Brown
Joseph Tolciss z"l
Martha Tolpin
Karen Underhill and Richard Meller
Dorothy Wahl
Irene and Robert S. Walters
Benjamin Weedon
Jane Weiman
Rivka and Seth Weisberg
Hesther Weisberger
Evelyn Horn and Isaac B. Weisfuse
Steven Wildstein
Fred Wistow
Faye Wurman Revocable Trust
Dan Wyman
Harris Zweig
Melvin Zwillenberg
Contributions received January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list. We apologize for any errors or omissions. Please report any corrections to